Tagged: Six unimportant things about me - The Sweet Tidings

Tagged: Six unimportant things about me

by - Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Oh, this game is fun. Cindy tagged me for Six Unimportant Things about Me blog game and as promised, here it goes:

1. Feed me anything but duck. We had a little duck pond in our backyard back in the 80's and for some reason that made me swore off duck for the rest of my life!

2. I worked as a radio DJ after graduating from college. I am what you would call a "rock jock."

3. My favourite scent is Tea Rose by Perfumer's Workshop. Very heavenly, inspired fragrance!

4. Snowmen make me happy so I collect them-figurines, ornaments etc.

5. My favourite snack is empanada, a deep fried or baked pastry filled with sweet/savoury fillings.

6. My all-time favourite cookie is Chocolate Crinkle.

I enjoyed playing tag so I hope you will too. So I hope my lovely blog friends would like to play along... Rachael of Sweet Nothings, Suzanne @ Create Fun & Mess, and Louise @ Home is Where the Heart Is. Try to tag six people if you can!

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  1. Hello Christy,

    I will do this little tag. Maybe tomorrow. I enjoyed reading your answers and I could never eat duck either, I have always wanted a pet duck.
    Thanks for including me.

  2. Chocolate crinkles are the best! They are like brownies in cookie form!

  3. Hi Christy. I most definitely will do this tag. I have had time to think about it as Gina from Gingerbread tagged me with the same. Look out in a post shortly for my answers. I would love to try the perfume, I am sure I would like it. I can so agree with all your unimportant things, but must confess to eating duck! x

  4. Wow, a DJ! Now I wish I could hear you read your blog instead, hehe. Thats pretty cool though Christy, I would love to be able to put that on my resume. Thanks for playing! Your new blog look is awesome by the way, I really like it.

  5. I enjoyed reading about you - I've joined in on the fun too! :)

  6. Loved your answers Christy.. and what an awesome job you had as a dj!
    Tea rose is my favourite perfume too and all I ever wear!
    Your chocolate crinkles are making my mouth water :) Gx

  7. I forgot to mention in my last comment how glamorous to have been a rock jock! That must have been a great job. Anyway I have now posted 6 very unimportant things about myself. I hope you have time to pop over to read them? x

  8. Are you sure your not from my family! My sisters and I were taught at a very young age how to fill and form empanads from my argentine grandmother.

    At Christmas, Mom makes buckets of crinkle cookies. They are one of my favorite holiday treats.

    You blog is a treat too! I'm so glad I stumbled upon it!


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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