A robot sidekick & BFF

by - Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Say hello to Inspire, my robo sapien desktop sidekick. I made him from Lisa Solomon's free robot template.

I also got a lovely surprise from my blog buddy Suzanne. She gave me this Blogging Friends Forever Award. What a sweet gesture Suzanne! Thank you so so much.

The Blogging Friends Forever Rules:

1. Only five people allowed
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog or live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.'Blogging Friends Forever' Award
Now, I shall pass on this award to the following gorgeous ladies:

1. Suzanne @ Create Fun & Mess
2. Cindy @ Lucy's Tales from Home
3. Gina @ Gingerbread
4. Louise @ This is My Patch
5. Sarah & Lisa @ Spoonful of Sugar

Thank you for all your wonderful friendships and inspiration! I'm so thankful for having you all in my life. Blessings always!

Christy xx

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  1. Christy, your kind words are so lovely and very much appreciated. Congratulations on receiving this award, it's a good one. I promise to move this award on, I am a little lapse in giving out awards myself! Another great crafting project, you complete them in such great speed! x

  2. Thanks Christy for the award! Love your cute robot!Have a great day

  3. Dear Christy...well done on your award..and thank you for passing it on..I can guarantee that the feeling is mutual..I am very lucky to have your friendship and ALWAYS enjoy popping over here to see what you are up to and likewise enjoy your kind and thoughtful comments very much! Gxx

  4. Thank you Christy! I appreciate you too and feel the same. It is nice to always find a kind word here and when you come to visit my blog. Have a wonderful day! Love your little robot dude, he is so cute!

  5. HEHE little robot is very sweet and silly!

  6. you deserve all the praises girl.

    and robo dude is qt!


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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