Birds, hedgies and a tree of happiness

by - Saturday, August 09, 2008

First of all I would like to say thank you, muchas gracias, salamat to Gina of Gingerbread for this Tree of Happiness award. It's a very special award and I'm so gratified that Gina thought of me. Thank you Gina! I shall pass on this award later this month. Drop by Gina's blog for the most interesting tidbits on scrapping, crafts and recipes!

Among others, the award invites me to list six things that make me happy right now. So here it goes:

Six Things that Make Me Happy Right Now

1. Waking up to the sound of birds chirping near my window.
2. Walking barefoot on wooden floors.
3. Reading Oprah's What I Know for Sure.
4. Seeing my avocado seed sprout some leaves.
5. Using and enjoying the lovely scent of Body Shop's Spring Orchid lotion.
6. Watching the Beijing Olympic Games on tv.

I put up a little clothesline organizer/bulletin thingy today. I decorated it with a dress up doll paper ornament from Kiddley. You can download the paper doll template here.

Notice the clothespin birdie? How romantic is the notion of having birds perched on a wire. Here's my simple tutorial:

  1. Make some fabric/paper birds in spring time colours and decorate with beads, buttons and ribbons.
  2. Gather some wooden clothespins.
  3. Hot glue birds to clothespins and let dry.
  4. Use on your clothesline organizer or use as paper clamp.
Also, we can never have too many pincushions can we? I made this little hedgie pincushion using this pattern. Adorable but my hedgie looks like a rat. I should try making another one in felt I think.

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  1. Awww... I love your clothespin birdie... too cute!

  2. Congratulations of the award. I love your pin cushions. What a good idea to make a clothespin birdie its make hanging the line much more interesting and nicer.
    We loved the opening ceremony of the Olympics also.

  3. Thanks for your sweet words Christy..I'm very sorry that I forgot to mention in my post that it can be passed on to 6 if you still want to you can :D
    Absolutely love your little birdie peg and picture..thanks for the tutorial. :D Gxx
    p.s. loved reading your happy list..home grown avocados - wow!

  4. Some lovely crafting ideas here Christy, I especially love the memo holder. We have been following the Olympics, and England have just won a gold medal in the womens' road racing, so very pleased about that. I love the Body Shop Moonflower range, but unfortunately it is now discontinued over here. Congratulations on winning the award, so very well deserved as ever! x

  5. I love visiting here to see what you've been posting Christy. The birdie peg and picture are so sweet,

  6. oh dear- what a cute little mouse... I feel for him a bit with all those pins!

  7. I'm sitting here watching the Olympics right now. I agree, they're very enjoyable.

    Nice blog you have here - thanks for sharing.

  8. oh my gosh, clothespin birdie is soo cute!

  9. Love the pin cushion photos! Very adorable!

  10. I think your little hedgehog is super cute. Thanks for the link!

  11. Christy congrats on the award! I am sorry, that like a goof I got it backwards and thought you gave it to Gina. :P


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