Blog awards and blog giveaway winner

by - Monday, January 05, 2009

The lovely Jojoebi of A Bit of This and a Bit of That and Jojoebi Designs was so kind to give me this award during the new year. What a wonderful way to start the new year! Thank you Jojoebi!

Now, about this award:

This award is given to a blog that invests and believes in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!

I'm blessed to know many wonderful people through this blog and best of all to cultivate lovely friendships with all of them. They come from near and far. But space doesn't matter. The world smaller and lovelier because of the bonds of creativity and friendship shared. It's hard to pick just 8 people to pass this award to since I adore each and every blog on my sidebar.

Anyway, I am honored to pass this award to the following blogs:

Karin of Ute och Inne (Sweden)
Thalita Dol (Brazil)
Cindy of Lucy's Tales from Home (USA)
Suzanne of Create Fun and Mess (Australia)
Gina of Gingerbread (Australia)
Sonia of Cozy Homemaking (France)
Kristy of Paisley Jade (New Zealand)
Valerie of Acornmoon (UK)

Please drop by these blogs and say hello!

And now, for the most important order of the day. It's the day I announce the winner of the new year's blog giveaway. The winner is.......

A Spoonful of Sugar

Congrats Sarah and Lisa! Please email me your mailing address so I can send the goodies your way! My lovely thank you's to everyone who joined in this giveaway fun. For sure, I shall have more wee giveaways in the days and months to come.

Have a most lovely week.

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  1. Wow Christy - we are so excited to have won your New Years giveaway - what a great start to the year!! I couldn't find your email address on your blog, could you please email us at and we can then send through our address details. Have a great day! Lisa and Sarah

  2. I'm thrilled to have found your blog! Love the softie pirate boy! Love the matryoshkas ~ we've been renewing and renewing "The Littlest Matryoshka" from the library and my kids can't get enough...looking forward to checking in again soon!

  3. Congrats to th lucky winners.
    Your little pirate on your previous post is too cute!

  4. Wow - thanks for the award... what an honour! Have a great day!

  5. Oooh Christy, thank you so much for this fabulous award !! (I'm passing it on back to you, but shh that's not official LOL) I'm displaying it at my blog & passed it on. You're a sweetheart ! YOU are a daily inspiration indeed !
    Congrats to the winners of your lovely giveaway !! Lucky girls !
    Wishing you a lovely start to the new week ! It's been snowing over here, so as it's unusual, it's made the new week start on a lovely note !! :) Take care oxox

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Congratulations happy winners! I'm so jealous! :0)
    Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog Christy. I hope its okay, I've added Sweet Tidings to my blogroll.
    There are so many cute things to see here, I don't want to miss out!

  8. Hello Christy, congratulations on your award, and thank you for passing it onto me. I will post it on the weekend.
    Have a good week.

  9. Thank you for the award Christy! One thing I love about bloging is the fact that I "get to know" people around the world. It's always a pleasure to visit your beautiful world.

    Congratulations to the winner! I was too late to discover your giveaway. Have a wonderful week! Karin xx

  10. Oh, that is so kind! Thank you.

    I love your little pirate below.

    Have a lovely New Year.

  11. Oh,you are always so sweet to me. Thank you Christy!!

  12. I'm sorry I missed it..congrats to the winner! ..and well done on your award Christy..richly deserved I must say..and you are very sweet to pass it on.. I must go and check out the few I haven't yet visited. Have a wonderful week! Gxx


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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