Heartwarming Handwarmer tutorial and more

by - Saturday, January 17, 2009

The season of hearts is slowly descending upon as all. It is a time to connect to our own hearts and to others! I have created a special tutorial for this season, plus a mini meditation to-go! I hope you enjoy!

Heartwarming Handwarmer Tutorial

1. Cut out pattern from muslin lined cotton fabric. Allow 1/4" seam allowance. Do not use silk, cashmere, felt or any other fabric. The template is here.

2. Stitch wrong sides together and leave 1/2 inch opening. Reverse fabric and fill heart sachet with approximately 1/2-3/4 cup rice grains using a plastic funnel. Stitch opening discretely using ladder stitches. Voila, it's done!

3. To use, microwave handwarmer for 1-2 minutes with a cup of water in microwaveable container.

This handwarmer fits perfectly on the palms of your hand. Use it when you're feeling cold or have the blues. Use it to soothe an achy tummy or shoulder or back discomfort. It is also very effective with a heart centering meditation.

Heart Centering Meditation:

1. Hold heart handwarmer with both hands, breathe deeply and let the air fill your lungs and your tummy. Exhale slowly. Do this 3-5 times.

2. Allow the warmth of the handwarmer to gently spread to your arms, shoulders and your entire body. Feel a gentle awareness in your heart area. Feel your heart open and breathe. Imagine it having a nose (funny as it may sound!)

3. At inhale, fill your heart with all the love and compassion of the universe! Feel the universe fill you heart with bubbles of love. Relax and just enjoy the feeling. At exhale, send all your love to to every living and non-living thing in the universe. Send love to yourself as well.

This meditation when done frequently will open and connect you to your heart.

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  1. I cannot keep up with you, such wonderful things here! The hearts look so sweet and how fun to have them be hand warmers too! Super idea! thanks for the tutorial Christy :)

  2. How sweet! I really enjoyed this post. Thank you so much. These will make lovely little gifts for my friends. :o)

  3. Super cute post - thanks for sharing this great idea :)

  4. Aww, this is so sweet! Perfect for Valentine's Day. I'll be linking!

  5. What a lovely tutorial. Thanks and happy belated new year!

  6. Oh, I never heard about using the water b/4. Maybe that is why when I have used rice in the hand warmers it seemed to dry out. So I used Flaxseeds instead. So the water helps keep the rice moist and from drying out?


    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  7. fabulous and perfectly adorable idea!

  8. i especially love your meditation - it is wonderful. I started practicing it every night before falling asleep!and then i send all my best wishes also to you!
    greetings from Austria!

  9. Hi sweet girl! I loved your idea so much that I usad your tute on my blog, be sure that I had mentioned you blog there, I hope you don´t mind, let me know if it is ok for you!


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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