Happy mail from Little t jane

by - Friday, May 29, 2009

Look who arrived just now? It's happy pothead!

I recently won Tracy's celebratory shop giveaway--a happy pothead rubber stamp from her super cute and fun little shop Little t jane. My little peeps are so happy to have happy pothead arrive safe and sound from a trans-oceanic plane trip. See, he has to lie down to recover from jet lag. He arrived in the sweetest style--with a little mushroom in a cake dome in tow. I really love Tracy's packaging of her product! So fun!

Tracy has added so many cute things to her shop lately. See them all here and go grab something cute for yourself or for a friend! Thank you Little t jane shop! I'm wishing you much fun and success!

Two more days to go before the Sew Mama Sew giveaway extravaganza ends! You still got plenty of time to join my fun giveaway. Go tell a friend! Sign up for the giveaway below.

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  1. oh my gosh! I haven't seen these little people in forever! Thanks for bringing back some memories :) Love happy pothead..lol

  2. christy! yOu ArE tHe BeSt!!! your photograph and post totally cracks me up - xoxo thank you again for joining the fun of my giveaway!!! and i'm so happy you love him and he made it there safely in his private jet to you & his new family. URAQT! all good wishes & cheer!!!

  3. Lol! He had jet lag? the poor sweetie. but im sure he will recovered completely to bring some lovely stamping goodness! ;)
    thanks so much for visiting my blog. you made time to comment on several of my posts, and i am so touched, especially since you have so many commentors, and blogs to cover from the giveaway!
    it means so much to me that u actually find my sumobabies likeable, especially since ure work is way awesome! thanks for the sweet comments. =) =)

  4. Totally cute. So much more fun to get in the mail than, hmmm... bills! Enjoy playing!

  5. Oh they look so cute ... can't believe they still have some of those little peeps... they really are such cuties. Things like that morphs me back to a happy little girl.

  6. I just love FP little people! Pothead is just too cute! Twyla

  7. aaah.... (swoon) Stamps.... aren't they cute or what?


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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