Ribbon and lace stationery tutorial

by - Saturday, May 30, 2009

I love to save ribbons from gift wrappings as well as lace and trim scraps from my sewing. Even the gaudy and flashy ones, well I keep them. Who knows they would come in handy one day for a recycling project such as this one!

Here's a really fun and easy way to recycle your lace and ribbon scraps:

Ribbon and Lace Stationery Tutorial

1. Look through your lace and ribbon pile and decide what designs you'd like to use for your stationery.

2. Cut the ribbon or lace to fit the width of the paper you are using. I normally would use 8.5"x 11" letter size parchment, linen/laid or patterned paper. You can use other paper sizes too. Just adjust the width of the ribbon/lace accordingly.

3. Use a double sided tape as adhesive to stick the ribbon or lace to the bottom of the paper.I don't know about using craft glue but based on experience, double sided tape really works well. Be as creative and imaginative as you can!

4. Voila! You now have a personalized and truly fancy one of a kind stationery for your correspondence needs.

If you're looking for the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day post, scroll down or click here. The contest ends tomorrow midnight so sign up if you still haven't. Thank you and good luck to everyone who visited my blog and entered my giveaway!

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  1. This is very simple yet effective and very pretty!! Too bad I don't have a lace/ribbon collection :(

  2. Sweet! What a great idea, I love to use and save things like that. :) Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Aw Christy, this is an amazingly sweet & brilliant idea !! Thanks so much for sharing !! Have a fab weekend ! xoxo

  4. Rather a cute idea...
    I reckon Hot glue would work well but you'd need to be quick,
    I love double sided tape though...

  5. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing!

  6. What a fabulous idea! You could also use card stock and make greeting cards from ribbon!
    I saw your question from Blooms comment form! lol
    We Aussies love our Tim Tams! Tim Tams are a chocolate biscuit (cookie) and are just to die for! We also love our Vegemite on toast! Also our Australian Bushels tea, makes a great cuppa! My family call them snots! Don't ask me why...

  7. Oh Christy what a great idea. I have sooo much bits of ribbon and never use. Need to give this a try. It would make lovely teacher gifts don't you think? Thank you for another great idea.

  8. what a lovely and simple idea. thanks!

  9. What a terrific idea! Thanks!

  10. Hi Christy, thanks for the comment on my blog.. I love your idea here with the ribbons.. will have to definitely try it out...


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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