Mud Pie for the Soul and other kind treats - The Sweet Tidings

Mud Pie for the Soul and other kind treats

by - Saturday, January 09, 2010

It's been a hard, utterly depressing week for me since I lost my favorite person, my darling Grandma last Monday. She is a truly wonderful soul and I will miss her joyful spirit, her laughter and her thoughtful, caring ways.

My spirit got lifted when these sweet, comforting treats arrived in the mail! Such lovely treats for the soul.


A sweet treat from Elea of Nostalgia Organics! The scent of delicious, peppermint and chocolate handmade soap is just what my poor, tired little soul needs. Thank you so much Elea. You are an angel!

A sweet, mini bunting from my swap ornament partner Tracey of Polka Dot Daze. Thank you Tracey! This ornament is just the perfect reminder to celebrate all of life's big and small moments  because, umm...life is too short!

A sleepy winter girl beanie doll from Sarah of Threaded Basil that I won from her Sew Mama Sew Giveaway.  Thank you Sarah! Ahhh... in the midst of winter and darkness, one must not forget to nurture one's inner child.

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  1. Lovely little gifts in the mail... so sorry to hear of your loss. It is never easy and no one can say anything really to make you feel better, but I hope that it is not too painful for you.

  2. I send a hug to you from Montana. I am sorry about your Grandma. I am happy for you that you got some special treats in the mail to cheer your day.


  3. Lovely gifts!!! COngrat, Christy, sure does make a good start this year, eh? :)

  4. I've been thinking about you. Hope you're doing okay. I so agree about the inner child... Surround yourself with things that give you happiness!

    (Those are wonderful and adorable gifts!)

  5. I've been praying for you and your family! I lost my precious daddy, one of my best buddies....ten 1/2 years ago. How wonderful to receive such lovely little things in such pretty packaging at this time!!!

    : )

    Julie M.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your Gran, it's so hard to lose someone you love. But she is not lost to you really, I'm sure you carry her in your heart & in your memories. I loved your thoughts about the sweet gifts/swaps you received, I hope they all brighten up your week. Take care xo

  7. Sorry to hear about your grandma, Christy! I'm sending lots of hugs and warmth your way :)

    PS: Am loving those gifts and swaps!

  8. So sorry to hear about your grandma, sending you warm thoughts...
    Your gifts are lovely sweet!

  9. Send love, hugs & light to you, my dear friend ;-)

  10. Those Mudpie soaps are delightful! I love little things, they're so cozy!

    ~ Kristen


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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