Blog Housekeeping + Crafty Book Finds

by - Friday, September 30, 2011

I recently found these vintage and collectible Martha Stewart books in a bargain bookstore.  These books may be 10 years old or more but the projects remain timeless  yet in vogue with today's fickle craft trends.

I also found some relatively new sewing craft books  that would be useful in making holiday presents this year.  Of course, my favorite bargain book find has got to be this Paula Deen recipe journal that I want to fill with holiday recipes.

I've also been doing a bit of blog housekeeping! Blogger recently rolled out its dynamic view blog templates and being the traditionalist that I am, I was hesitant at first to implement these new and radical changes to my blog. I am very  attached to my blog header, blogroll and sidebar widgets but I just had to let them go to give way to an interactive  blog that loads 40% faster and resurfaces old, undiscovered blog content. As of the moment, Blogger's dynamic display view does not contain any option for sidebar widgets.

In the name of compact blog design, I have integrated the previous template's sidebar links (i.e blogroll, links ets) into the blog's drop down menu page button.  Now my blog seems like one big hideaway/stoway bed! Anyway we'll see how it goes. I might revert back to my old template.

I hope you will continue to enjoy Sweet Tidings Handmade in this new format. Happy Friday!

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