DIY Tutorial: 'Le Petit Prince Inspiration Jar

by - Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Susie, E'clair and yours truly are big fans of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince. This classic book is wonderful to revisit as it is full of wonderful life lessons, pearls of wisdom and quotable quotes just perfect for upping one's motivational level in the new year. 

If you're anything like me, I like scribbling inspirational quotes on post-it stickers and sticking them visibly near my desk. However they never last that long as they get blown away or disappear into oblivion once the desk gets messy.

This little DIY craft makes use of recycled Starbucks frappuccino bottle, a handful of flower shaped sequins, plastic flower, rubber stamps, all- surface stamp ink and an adorable Little Prince paper toy from Toy-a-Day.With this little inspirational jar on your desk, you'll never get out of sight, out of mind on your goals or remain in a limbo of wishful thinking.

Have fun making this little craft. Onward march to to the new year! Carpe diem.  May you all reach your goals.

'Le Petit Prince Inspiration Jar DIY


  • Recycled frappuccino bottle or clear milk glass
  • Little prince paper toy printable
  • Flower shaped sequins
  • Alphabet rubber stamps and all-surface stamp ink
  • Tiny plastic flower


1. Stamp your favorite Little Prince quote on the surface of the jar. Let dry.

2. Pour a handful of sequins inside the jar. Carefully place little prince paper toy inside. Add plastic flower. Replace cap.

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  1. omygoodness. so lovely! and oiii, i was just thinking to myself today about what I once told my friend....that a goal without a plan is merely a dream. ACK!!! what a coincidence :]

  2. This is a brilliant idea! I so agree with what you said about the little notes getting lost when things begin to pile up on one's desk, as they are wont to do if one is working!
    I like this idea sooo much because it is a dust-free way to keep pleasant reminders. I had wanted to print out that little prince, but refrained from doing so, because of the dust factor, but when I am ready to replace my mini desk tree - I now know what will be going in its place! Kudos for this most inspired take on the mason jar! I hope this gets picked up on the web (do you ever submit your ideas to Craft magazine?).
    ^_* have a super day!

  3. Stumbled on your charming blog. Great Idea. I'll be back, please stop by mine. There's this thing called Google, Mom.


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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