January wallpaper round-up + 1 Day 1 Song

by - Thursday, January 05, 2012

Romantic pink wallpaper from Afternoon Tea

Winter wallpaper from Vanillery Garden

New Year calendar from Oh, Hello Friend

Start Today from Minimal Wall

January calendar wallpaper from Wild Olive

Your desktop deserves a fresh, new look for January! Pick the wallpaper that suits your style and mood. As of the moment I'm feeling Vanillery Garden-ish so that cute Mori Girl meets kawaii wallpaper is on my desktop.

Speaking of mood, have you ever heard of Mood Panda? It's a free interactive mood diary where you log in your state of moodiness or happiness. Feeling happy? Feeling like crap? Feeling like PMS Avenger? Tell it to Mood Panda. Heck, he'll even create a mood calendar and mood map for you and compare it with the rest of the planet. Mood map or none, one thing I'm sure of my moods are generally affected by moon phases. Perhaps I need to create a Man on the Mood  (a pun to R.E.M's song)  web app! 

From mood let's go to music. One of the things I want to do this year is to listen to more music and artists (especially the indie obscure ones). I'm glad to have stumbled upon 1 Day 1 Song. I'm now listening to Day 5. Put your headphones on and have a listen!

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  1. When I saw the top wallpaper, for a sec I wondered if something was wrong with my computer, because I'd downloaded it last night (in my rss feed, it seemed as if half my screen was showing me my desktop image)! It's such a nifty wallpaper. Also, I spent a half hour relaxing to all the nifty articles on that site, using that bing web page translate tool.
    And moods... remember mood rings! Certainly, though, we are affected by all sorts of things, like power lines, light pollution, the weather, yadda yadda. I notice that winter can be quite hard for me :( But that is what good music and fairy lights are for. And good company. Good movies. And Maison Sweet Tidings! ^_^


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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