Recipe: Kitty Cat Manju Cakes

by - Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yippee! I finally got around to making some tasty Manju cakes. After what it seems like a fruitless search for bottled red bean paste, I decided to just make my own from scratch. I got the red bean paste recipe from here. I doubled the recipe so I can bottle and stock some for future use. I plan to make some red bean pancakes and Chapssalddeok (Korean Style Mochi) in the days to come. 

For the Manju pastry,  I used Home Baking School's 게 구 리 만 주 (Gaeguri Manju) or Frog Manju Cake recipe. Unfortunately the recipe link has been removed but it was good thinking that I copied and posted the recipe in my blog post.


Red Bean Paste Filling

  • 1 1/3 cup red beans 
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • Water for boiling

1. Soak red beans overnight. Drain. Boil red beans for 1 1/2 hours (it took mine 2 hours) until soft. Boil until all the water has evaporated.

2. Transfer softened red beans to a food mixer and process beans until  mixture reaches soft and fine consistency.  

3. Add the sugar.

4. In a shallow saucepot, fry bean paste in hot oil  in medium heat. The red bean paste is done when the oil has completely been absorbed. The mixture should reach a mashed potato consistency. Remove from heat and cool.

Manju Pastry

  • 188 grams condensed milk
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 188 grams flour
  • 5 grams baking powder
  1. Sift together flour and baking powder and transfer to a medium sized bowl.

2. Make a well with the flour and add the condensed milk and egg yolk. Blend well until all the ingredients have combined.   

2. Make dough balls using a small ice cream scoop. Using a melon baller, scoop little balls of red bean paste.

3. Roll Manju pastry into a ball and make an indentation in the middle using your thumb. Fill the indentation with a ball of red bean paste. Carefully seal the edges and roll the manju pastry to your desired shape.

3. Transfer to baking sheet. Brush with eggwash (eggwhite + some water).

4. Bake in a 350F oven until slightly brown.

Enjoy! Happy eating!

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  1. They look super cute and tasty, Christy! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Looks really nice :)
    Greetings from Poland ✿ܓ

  4. Oh... red bean paste, that is something I miss quite often, especially the red bean paste ice lollies! :) I am so impressed you made these lovely baked goods. There is no condensed milk here, but I have the ingredients for the paste, and am seriously thinking about giving it a try. Needless to say, I really enjoyed this post ♥

  5. Wow you made the paste from scratch! Can I go over for tea and cakes? :)

  6. This looks so cute and delicious! I want to try making these but bunny shaped :D


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!


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