Osaka & Kyoto: A retro cartoon travelogue

by - Saturday, May 25, 2024

Japan is a land of anime fantasy turned reality. If you are into Studio Ghibli movies and nostalgic Japanese anime cartoons, you would be delighted to turn your Japan travel photos into authentic retro cartoons with the help of SNOW AI profile app. It makes for unique travel storytelling. Seeing yourself as a cartoon character in Japan is so fun.  Travel adventure reimagined as a cartoon story!

We visited Kyoto and Osaka lately and enjoyed the sights, sounds and culinary delights of these prefectures. Just like any other Japanese city, Osaka and Kyoto exceeded our expectations and it's like we stepped into a different dimension where everything we see in cartoon movies just came to life! In this little travelogue, I am exploring the sights in my retro cartoonized self. So kawaii!

Me, Cathy and Aisha in our retro cartoon selves

The kitsune (fox) Tori gate guardian leading to Fushimi Inari Taisha 

At the vermillion Tori gates of Fushimi Inari

Stopping for washi tapes and postcards at the Ghibli Store in Higashiyama

Catching a souvenir photo with the Hokan-ji or Yasaka Pagoda in the background 

At Gion Tatsumi Bridge in the Geisha district

At the Gion Geisha Village alley admiring the stone streets, lanterns and old wooden houses

Lost in vermillion haze

A visit to Nara Park to see (and feed) the world famous Nara deers. They are so polite and cute! They bow to ask for deer cookies. 

Capping off a long walk at the park with Amao Strawberry soft serve ice cream. Only Y500!

Walking the stone streets of Kyoto on a warm spring day can leave one hungry and thirsty! Good thing there are vending machines (jidouhanbaiki) everywhere!

Rainy day in Dotounbori, Osaka. Rainy days are so romantic in Japan!

Do you see Glico man billboard?

At the entrance of Osaka Castle  (Osaka-jo) overlooking a beautiful moat

On the train to everywhere!

The obligatory hotel room selfie!

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